Pakistan History From 1947 to 2023 MCQs

Pakistan’s History From 1947 to 2023 encompasses a wide range of political, social, and economic developments. After gaining independence from British colonial rule in 1947, Pakistan faced numerous challenges, including the partition of India, the migration of populations, and the establishment of a new nation. In the early years, Pakistan struggled with the integration of diverse regions and the formulation of a constitutional framework. It adopted its first constitution in 1956, but it was abrogated in 1958 when General Ayub Khan seized power in a military coup. The country experienced periods of military rule, with General Zia-ul-Haq’s regime from 1977 to 1988 being particularly significant. Zia-ul-Haq implemented Islamization policies and oversaw Pakistan’s involvement in the Soviet-Afghan War, which had long-term implications for the region.

Pakistan faced political instability and conflict, notably, the separation of East Pakistan in 1971, resulting in the formation of Bangladesh. This event led to significant political and economic consequences for the country. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Pakistan transitioned to democracy, with Benazir Bhutto becoming the first female Prime Minister in 1988. However, political instability persisted, alternating between civilian governments and military interventions. In recent years, Pakistan has made efforts towards economic reforms and infrastructure development. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has been a significant initiative, aiming to enhance connectivity and trade between the two countries. As of 2023, Pakistan remains a developing nation striving for stability, sustainable growth, and the well-being of its population. The future holds opportunities and challenges, including the need for political and economic reforms, addressing social issues, and fostering peaceful relations with neighboring countries.

Pakistan History From 1947 to 2023 MCQs

Pakistan History From 1947 to 2023 MCQs


Who participated Tashkent Pact as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan?

(A) Mr. Hussain Shaheed
(B) Mr. I.. Chundrigar
(C) Mr. Malik Feroz Khan
(D) Mr. Z.A. Bhutto

Which political party was established by Mr. Bhutto?

(A) Pakistan People’s Party
(B) Sindh Peoples Party
(C) West Pakistan Party
(D) United Peoples Party

When PPP was established?

(A) October 1967
(B) August 1967
(C) November 1967
(D) December 1967

What was the slogan of PPP?

(A) Sabse Pehle Pakistan
(B) Roti, Kapra or Makan
(C) Qarz utaro Mulk Sanwaro
(D) Democracy is the best revenge

When Gen Ayub Khan resigned from his Presidentship?

(A) 20th March 1969
(B) 23rd March 1969
(C) 25th March 1969
(D) 29th March 1969

Who became President of Pakistan after Ayub Khan?

(A) Mr. Z.A. Bhutto
(B) Mr. Fazl Elahi Choudhary
(C) Gen. Yahya Khan
(D) Justice Rafique Tarar

In which year Gen. Yahya held General Elections in the country?

(A) 1970
(B) 1971
(C) 1972
(D) 1973

In Elections who secured victory in East Pakistan?

(B) Muslim League
(C) Awami League
(D) Jamat-e-Islami

In West Pakistan who had the driving seat after Elections?

(A) Muslim League
(C) Awami League
(D) Tehreek-e-Istakalal

Which incident took place in 1971 which provided India’s chance to attack Pakistan?

(A) attack on the Indian parliament
(B) Indian drama of hijacking their own plane
(C) Skirmishes on Border
(D) All of them

What was the name of the Indian plane that was hijacked?

(A) Ganga
(B) Jamna
(C) Bangla
(D) Lanka

When India launched a war against Pakistan?

(A) 15th November 1971
(B) 17th November 1971
(C) 19th November 1971
(D) 21st November 1971

Which movement of East Pakistan also supported India in the war of 1971?

(A) Bangla Movement
(B) Bengali Movement
(C) Mukti Bahini
(D) Azadi Movement

When did East Pakistan separate from West Pakistan?

(A) 26th December 1971
(B) 22nd December 1971
(C) 19th December 1971
(D) 16th December 1971

When Gen. Yahya Khan resigned from his Presidentship?

(A) 18th December 1971
(B) 20th December 1971
(C) 22nd December 1971
(D) 24th December 1971

Who became President of Pakistan after Yahya Khan?

(A) Mr. Z.A. Bhutto
(B) Mr. Ghulam Ishaque Khan
(C) Mr. Wasim Sajjad
(D) Mr. Farooque Ahmed Khan Leghari

When Mr. Z.A. Bhutto became the Prime Minister of Pakistan?

(A) 23rd March 1973
(B) 14th August 1973
(C) 6th September 1973
(D) 25th December 1973

Which of the following was the first step taken by Mr. Bhutto for Economic Development?

(A) Economic Pacts
(B) Aid Agreements with World
(C) Nationalization of Industries
(D) Linking of Rupee with Dollar

After the war of 1971 which agreement was signed between India and Pakistan?

(A) Culcutta Pact
(B) Lucknow Pact
(C) Simla Pact
(D) Bombay Pact

When the Simla Accord was signed?

(A) January 1972
(B) March 1972
(C) July 1972
(D) October 1972