Islamic General Knowledge MCQs With Answers Pdf

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs With Answers Pdf, The early Islamic battles of Badr, Uhud, and other skirmishes were pivotal events in the development of Islam. These battles were fought between the Muslims of Medina and the Meccans, who were opposed to the growing influence of Islam in the region. Overall, these battles played a critical role in the formation of Islamic identity and the establishment of Muslim power in the Arabian Peninsula. They also helped to solidify the unity of the Muslim community and establish the importance of faith and courage in the face of adversity. Islamic General Knowledge MCQs With Answers Pdf.

The Battle of Badr took place in 624 CE and was the first major battle fought between the Muslims and the Meccans. The Muslims were outnumbered and outmatched, but they emerged victorious due to their superior tactics and the help of divine intervention. This battle is considered a turning point in Islamic history as it established the Muslims as a credible military force. However, the victory at Badr was short-lived as the Meccans regrouped and launched a counter-attack at the Battle of Uhud in 625 CE. The Muslims suffered a significant defeat in this battle, with many of their leaders killed or injured. This defeat was a setback for the Muslims, but it also served as a lesson in humility and unity. Other notable battles during this time include the Battle of the Trench, which took place in 627 CE.

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs With Answers Pdf

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs With Answers Pdf

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Islamic General Knowledge MCQs With Answers Pdf

Q. What is the “Year of the Elephant” (am al-Fil)?

Ans: The Battle of the Trench, also known as the Battle of the Ditch, was a significant military confrontation that took place in the year 627 CE, between the Muslims of Medina, led by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the allied forces of several Arab tribes of Mecca, who were attempting to attack and conquer the city.

Q. In which year did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) die?

Ans: The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away in the year 632 CE in the city of Medina, which is located in present-day Saudi Arabia. This event is known as the Prophet’s “demise” or “passing,” and it is a significant event in Islamic history. The Prophet’s death marked the end of his prophetic mission, which had begun more than 20 years earlier in Mecca. After his death, the Muslim community chose Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s close companion, and friend, as his successor and the first caliph of Islam.

Q. Was the Hudaybiya agreement signed?

Ans: The Hudaybiya agreement was signed in the year 628 CE between the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the leaders of the Quraish tribe of Mecca. The agreement was signed after the Muslims, who had been forced to leave Mecca and migrate to Medina, attempted to perform the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca but was prevented from doing so by the Quraish. After negotiations, the two sides agreed to a 10-year truce, during which time the Muslims would be allowed to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca. The Hudaybiya agreement was significant in that it allowed the Muslims to establish themselves in Medina without fear of attack from the Meccans, and it paved the way for the eventual conquest of Mecca by the Muslims a few years later.

Q. What is the War of Fijar?

Ans: The War of Fijar, also known as the Sacrilegious War, was a conflict that took place in Arabia prior to the advent of Islam. The war occurred between two tribes, the Quraish of Mecca and the tribe of Banu Kinanah, over control of a caravan trade route. The conflict took place during the sacred month of Rajab, which was considered a time of peace and truce by the Arabs. Despite this, the Quraish and Banu Kinanah engaged in fighting, which resulted in many casualties and the desecration of the Kaaba, the holiest site in Islam.

The war ended with a peace treaty called “Hilf al-Mutayyabin” which was a pact of mutual protection signed by the major tribes of Mecca, including the Quraish and Banu Kinanah, and it became a significant event in the pre-Islamic history of Arabia. The pact provided for mutual defense and protection of the trade caravans, which helped to maintain peace and stability in the region for many years.

About Ditch

The battle was called the “Battle of the Ditch” because the Muslims dug a trench around Medina to protect themselves from the approaching army of Mecca. The idea of digging the trench was proposed by Salman al-Farsi, a companion of the Prophet who had experience with trench warfare from his time in Persia.

The allied forces of Mecca, which included the Banu Qurayza, Banu Nadir, and Ghatafan tribes, were led by Abu Sufyan, who was determined to defeat the Muslims and destroy Islam. The siege lasted for several weeks, during which the Muslims faced numerous challenges, including harsh weather, hunger, and a shortage of supplies.

However, the Muslims could hold their ground, and the siege eventually ended with a truce known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which was signed between the Muslims and the Meccans in 628 CE. The treaty granted the Muslims the right to visit Mecca for pilgrimage, which they had been prevented from doing previously.

About Hudaybia

The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was a significant turning point in the history of Islam because it signaled a shift in the power dynamic between the Muslims and their opponents. It also allowed for peaceful relations between the two sides, which paved the way for the eventual conquest of Mecca.


The Battle of Islam, also known as the Jihad or Holy War, has been controversial and debated for centuries. Some argue that it is necessary to defend Islam and its followers from threats, while others argue that it is a form of aggression and violence that is not compatible with Islam’s teachings. From the Islamic perspective, the concept of Jihad means “struggle” or “effort,” and it can be both internal and external. Internal Jihad refers to the struggle against one’s own self and ego to become a better Muslim and serve Allah. External Jihad refers to the struggle to defend Islam and its followers from oppression and persecution. The Battle of Islam can be helpful in certain situations, such as when Muslims are under threat from aggressors who seek to harm or destroy them.


The Battle of Islam can be helpful in certain circumstances, such as when Muslims are under threat and need to defend themselves. However, it must be conducted in accordance with Islamic laws and principles and as a last resort after peaceful means of resolution have been attempted.

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