Islamic General Knowledge MCQs test online for NTS and PPSC

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs test online for NTS and PPSC, Islamic General Knowledge MCQs are a part of the syllabus for various competitive exams in Pakistan. These MCQs tests include the Quran, Hadith, Islamic history, and Islamic laws and practices. There are many collections of Hadith, but four of them are considered to be the most authoritative and reliable. These collections are called the “Kutub al-Sittah” (the six books), but in reality, there are four main collections. Below are brief overviews of these four collections:

  • Sahih al-Bukhari: This collection was compiled by Imam Bukhari in the 9th century. It contains over 7,000 Hadiths, and Bukhari is considered to be the most authentic and reliable of all the Hadith collections. He spent 16 years collecting and verifying the Hadiths he included in his book, and he only included those that met his strict criteria for authenticity.
  • Sahih Muslim: This collection was compiled by Imam Muslims in the 9th century. It contains over 9,000 Hadiths and is considered to be the second most authentic collection after Sahih al-Bukhari. Muslims also had strict criteria for authenticity, and he only included Hadiths that met his standards.
  • Sunan Abu Dawud: This collection was compiled by Abu Dawud in the 9th century. It contains over 5,000 Hadiths and is considered to be one of the six most authentic Hadith collections. Abu Dawud was known for including Hadiths that were not included in other collections, and he also included a significant number of weak Hadiths.
  • Jami al-Tirmidhi: This collection was compiled by Imam Tirmidhi in the 9th century. It contains over 3,000 Hadiths and is considered to be one of the six most authentic Hadith collections. Tirmidhi’s collection includes a wide range of Hadiths, including those that are weak and those that are authentic.

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs test online for NTS and PPSC

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs test online for NTS and PPSC

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs test online for NTS and PPSC

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Islamic General Knowledge MCQs test online for NTS and PPSC

The four Khalifas, also known as the Rashidun Caliphs, were the first four successors of the Prophet Muhammad in Islam. They were Hazrat Abu Bakar, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman, and Hazrat Ali, and they played crucial roles in shaping Islamic history and the development of Islamic theology.

Hazrat Abu Bakar

Hazrat Abu Bakar was the first Khalifa, who succeeded the Prophet Muhammad after his death in 632 CE. He is often referred to as the “Siddiq,” which means “the truthful one.” During his short reign of two years, he established a system of government that included a council of advisors and a system of justice. He also consolidated the power of Islam by quelling rebellions in the Arabian Peninsula.

Hazrat Umar

Hazrat Umar, the second Khalifa, ruled from 634 to 644 CE. He was known for his strict adherence to Islamic law and his military prowess. Under his leadership, the Muslim empire expanded to include the Sassanian Empire, Egypt, and Syria. He also established the first Muslim capital in Medina.

Hazrat Uman

Hazrat Uman, the third Khalifa, ruled from 644 to 656 CE. He is remembered for his role in the compilation and preservation of the Quran. During his reign, the Islamic empire continued to expand, and he oversaw the construction of several important public works, including mosques and canals.

Hazrat Ali

Hazrat Ali, the fourth Khalifa, ruled from 656 to 661 CE. He was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, and he played an important role in early Islamic history. However, his reign was marked by internal conflicts and political unrest, including a civil war that resulted in his assassination.

Islamic General Knowledge MCQs test online for NTS and PPSC

The four Khalifas played a pivotal role in the early development of Islam, and their reigns helped to shape the religion and the Islamic world. They established a system of government and law that formed the basis of Islamic governance for centuries to come. Today, they are remembered as important figures in Islamic history and as examples of leadership and dedication to the faith.

Q. Which is the first book of hadith?

Ans: The first book of hadith is not a single book, but rather a collection of hadiths compiled by various scholars over several centuries. However, one of the earliest and most well-known compilations of hadith is the Muwatta of Imam Malik. Imam Malik was a prominent Muslim scholar who lived in the 8th and 9th centuries in Medina, and his collection of hadith contains narrations from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions. The Muwatta is considered one of the most important books of hadith, and its authority and authenticity are widely accepted by scholars of Sunni Islam.

Q. When Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered the first Jumma prayer?

The first Jumma (Friday) prayer was offered by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the first year of Hijra after he and his companions had migrated from Mecca to Medina. The exact date of the first Jumma prayer is not known, but it is believed to have taken place in the month of Rabi al-Awwal, which was the third month of the Islamic calendar at that time.