General Knowledge MCQs Online Test

General Knowledge MCQs Online Test consists of Current Affairs, Islamic, Computer, and Pakistan affairs. Pakistan is a country located in South Asia and shares its borders with four neighboring countries. The borders with India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China have shaped Pakistan’s geopolitical position and influenced its foreign policy and relations with these countries.

  1. Pakistan’s longest and most contentious border is with India, stretching over 3,323 kilometers. The LoC is a de facto border, separating the Indian-administered Kashmir from the Pakistani-administered Azad Jammu and Kashmir region. The border has been a site of frequent clashes between the two countries, and several conflicts, including wars, have been fought over it.
  2. Pakistan’s western border is with Afghanistan, stretching over approximately 2,430 kilometers, known as the Durand Line. The Durand Line was drawn in 1893 by the British Indian government and divides the Pashtun tribal regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  3. Pakistan’s southwestern border is with Iran, running approximately 959 kilometers through a mountainous region. The border is known as the Pak-Iran border, and it connects Pakistan’s Balochistan province with Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan provinces.
  4. Pakistan’s northern border is with China, stretching over 595 kilometers, known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The LAC separates Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan region from China’s Xinjiang province.

General Knowledge MCQs Online Test

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Some General Knowledge MCQs with details are given below:

Q. Which is the longest River in the sub-continent?

Ans: The sub-continent refers to the region of South Asia, which includes countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. The longest river in this region is the Ganges River, also known as the Ganga in India. The Ganges River is approximately 2,525 km (1,569 miles) long, making it one of the longest rivers in the world. It originates in the Himalayas in northern India and flows through the plains of India and Bangladesh, eventually emptying into the Bay of Bengal. The Ganges River is considered holy by Hindus and is an important pilgrimage site. It is also a major source of water for irrigation, transportation, and hydroelectric power generation in India and Bangladesh. However, the river is also heavily polluted due to industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and untreated sewage, posing significant environmental and public health challenges.

Q. Which is the longest River in Asia?

Ans: The longest river in Asia is the Yangtze River, also known as the Changjiang River, which is located in China. The Yangtze River is approximately 6,300 kilometers (3,915 miles) long, making it the third-longest river in the world after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. The Yangtze River flows from its source in the Tibetan Plateau through several Chinese provinces before emptying into the East China Sea near Shanghai.

Q. What is the total River in Pakistan?

Ans: There are numerous rivers in Pakistan, but the major rivers that flow through the country are five:

  1. Indus River
  2. Jhelum River
  3. Chenab River
  4. Ravi River
  5. Sutlej River

These five rivers together form the Indus River System and are a significant source of water for agriculture, industry, and domestic use in Pakistan. Additionally, there are several smaller rivers and streams that also flow through different parts of the country.

Q. Which one is the first International Organization?

Ans: The first International Organization is considered to be the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which was established in 1865. The ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is responsible for coordinating and regulating international telecommunications and radio spectrum allocation. It was initially known as the International Telegraph Union and was created to standardize and regulate telegraphy across national borders. The ITU has since evolved to include modern forms of communication, such as radio, television, and the internet, and has become a vital component of global communication infrastructure.

Q. Who is called the “Father of the Computer”?

Ans: The title of “Father of Computer” is attributed to Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, and inventor who is considered to be the father of the modern computer. In the mid-19th century, Babbage designed a mechanical general-purpose computer called the Analytical Engine, which was designed to perform calculations using punched cards and a system of gears and levers. Although the Analytical Engine was never completed during Babbage’s lifetime, his work on the design laid the foundations for the development of modern computing technology. Babbage is also credited with inventing the concept of the programmable computer, which allowed users to change the instructions that the machine could follow, paving the way for the development of modern computer programming.

Q. What is the most common element in the universe?

Ans: The most common element in the universe is hydrogen. It makes up about 75% of the elemental mass of the universe. Helium is the second most abundant element, making up about 25% of the elemental mass. All the other elements, including the ones that make up our bodies and the Earth, make up less than 1% of the elemental mass of the universe.

Q. Who is the longest-reigning monarch of the world?

Ans: The longest-reigning monarch in the world is currently Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. She ascended to the throne on February 6, 1952, following the death of her father, King George VI. As of April 3, 2023, she has been reigning for more than 71 years, making her the longest-reigning monarch in British history and one of the longest-reigning monarchs in world history.

Q. Which country uses the most solar energy in the world?

Ans: China is the country that uses the most solar energy in the world. In recent years, China has significantly increased its investment in renewable energy, including solar power. According to the International Energy Agency, China accounted for more than 40% of the global solar photovoltaic capacity in 2020. China’s solar capacity has grown rapidly in recent years, driven by government policies, incentives, and investments. The country is also home to some of the world’s largest solar farms and manufacturers of solar panels. Other countries that are significant users of solar energy include the United States, Japan, and Germany.

Q. Who first introduced paper currency?

Ans: The first recorded use of paper currency was in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). However, the concept of paper money was further developed during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD), when it became the primary form of currency in China. The first paper money was created by merchants and wealthy individuals who deposited their valuables with a trusted person and were issued with paper receipts. These receipts were then used as a form of currency, and over time, they evolved into the paper money we use today. The use of paper money then spread to other parts of the world, including Europe, in the 17th century.

Q. Which is the world’s largest internet search engine?

Ans: The world’s largest internet search engine is Google. It is the most widely used search engine globally, with a market share of over 90% in many countries. Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and has since grown to become one of the most valuable companies in the world. In addition to its search engine, Google also offers a wide range of other services, including email, online document creation, cloud storage, and online advertising.